Doug Marlette papers, 1968-1998.


Doug Marlette papers, 1968-1998.

Original art and art reproductions divided into three series: the "Kudzu" comic strip, both original artwork and reproductions of daily and Sunday comics, along with unpublished and incomplete strips; political cartoons in both original artwork and reproduction; and other artwork, including work relating to books and other projects. Other papers include correspondence, writings, clippings, other files, and photographs. Correspondence, 1972-1995 (bulk 1988-1990), includes letters and related materials that Marlette received from family, colleagues, fans, and critics, some relating to his 1988 Pulitzer Prize and some to his career moves. Writings include drafts of Marlette's 1991 autobiography, a draft of a screenplay; and copies of speeches and articles. Clippings are chiefly articles and images Marlette collected, 1971-1998. Other files include materials relating to Marlette's personal and professional interests. Pictures are of Marlette and others, including some relating to "Kudzu: A Southern Musical."

23,000 items (150.0 linear ft.)

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Marlette, Doug, 1949-2007 (person)

Cartoonist and author, Doug Marlette (1949- ), of Hillsborough, N.C., created the nationally syndicated comic strip "Kudzu" in May 1981. His political cartoons and other work has appeared in major newspapers and news magazines. Marlette has also been involved in numerous other projects including "Kudzu, A Southern Musical," the musical adaptation of his comic strip, which he wrote in collaboration with Jack Herrick and Bland Simpson of the Red Clay Ramblers. Marlette won the Pulitzer Prize for E...